The other side of doing what you love.
I’m fortunate to be able to do work that I enjoy. It’s something I’ve not always had the opportunity to do. It’s something many are not able to do.
I’m lucky… or perhaps in a more self-determinant way… perhaps I’ve paid enough dues over time to be in this position. At any rate, while there’s still work-work to be done, for the most part I like what I, along with Ana do for a buck. Hopefully I’m not inciting a turn of events by my acknowledgement. You don’t talk about your team’s pitcher nearing the end of a no-hitter game. You don’t want to risk inviting bad karma.
That said, the type of work we’ve been able to attract and win is good work. We’ve interesting clients who are pursuing worthy objectives we applaud. They’re doing important work and we enjoy being a part of it. I like contributing in our way to what they’re working hard to accomplish. But this is what we do for a living. And at the end of the day we still need to meet the mortgage, we’ve got kids and all the rest… just like everyone else.
What we do takes time, a lot of time and perhaps more than is apparent. Profitability however is frequently driven by, among other things, speed. Pound it out. Get it up. Get’r done.
We just finished up with yet another client meeting that took way too much time and in large part was due to our having way too much fun. We enjoy each others company.
You see, working closely with clients over the time it takes to do this kind of work well, we’ve experienced, you build friendships that extend beyond the strictly business client-vendor relationship.
This week, yet again, we’d been spending an unjustifiable amount of time on an aspect of the project because, well, we’re into it. It goes beyond the fact that our name and reputation is on our work. The subject matter itself and the opportunity to do some cool things with it… well it’s fun to do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about fluff. Our intent is to drive audience engagement, improved traffic and conversion on targeted actions. Developing around these objectives for nerdy types though can be very seductive.
So absolutely, no complaints. Just had a very nice time with another great client helping them to do important work, work we’re proud to be a part of. Doing what you love though… you tend to spend more time than you can really cost justify. So here I am. Now I need to play some catch up. Baby needs new shoe’s.