LSPC’s Predicament
Lacking funds for web development they gratefully accepted whatever free help is offered to them. Typically this comes in the form of a student project or inevitably someone who knows someone who “builds websites” on the side or has done one or more in their past. “I’ve a nephew who built a nice site for X”. The common assumption is… anyone with computer skills can do this.
LSPC had their brand and online presence tied to a very poorly executed student project. When the student went away, as they WILL do, moving on to their career, LSPC was tied to a bad, unoperable website they had NO access to, control over and no one responding to their needs for help. A bad situation. Don’t let this happen to you. “Beware the naked man offering you their shirt”.
After considerable effort and time we were finally able to secure direct control for LSPC over their URL and hosting and get it transferred to where they now have direct owner access and control over their own web “assets”. From there we completely rebuilt their website.
Web Development
- Ownership – Client has all their account numbers, owner/admin access logins and passwords to self manage, delegate or outsource at their option. (We don’t use handcuffs)
- Bilingual, Spanish Speaking – Something we’re particularly good at. Obviously, best practices bilingual presentation and flexibility was key. EVERY automated utility you will find is flawed. It is only by degree that they differ. Don’t be fooled into thinking that simply adding some automated widget makes your site bilingual. We provided an elegant solution that compensates for automated solution shortcomings.
- News / Events updating – Another priority for them. Having a quick/easy means to communicate frequent updates is fundamental to their mission.
- Calendar of Events – Another priority. They now have an easy-to-update calendar that automatically features upcoming events on their home page. See website for how we addressed this for them.
- Member Directory – Another priority. Easy to update, content rich, sort-able and searchable. We also provided a rotation of featured sponsors. See website for how we addressed this for them.