Do you have a continual flow of news and information that needs to be communicated?
Visit Beloit is this community’s visitor and tourism organization. They needed a news site, a blog to showcase the ongoing stream of stories about all the wonderful things taking place in this community. Like virtually all news sites the priority is to attractively and intuitively present a continual flow of fresh content. News sites are substantively different than more static “brochure” sites. It’s a distinction not always recognized, even by the client. Any site looks nice when it’s new and as long as no one touches it after launch. The true test for a news site is this. How does it look, how does it function over time. Set-it-forget-it does not work for well for most online entities. Many many websites simply break down over time.
Proven time and again, post-launch service and expertise, this is what Resonate delivers.